One of Those Little Things

I always appreciate the little things that make my job easier. These little things are often solutions to little annoyances. A new scrub brush replaces the one that constantly sheds bristles. A new daily checklist gets laminated so we can't forget to clean the snakes' water dishes.

Another annoyance comes up just twice a year. Aldo the American Kestrel has a heat bulb for the winter, which plugs into the wall behind a kestrel-proof box. This box also proved nearly naturalist-proof when I had to unscrew the door in the spring and fall. I could never find the right screwdriver bit and the space was nearly too cramped to fit an electric drill or a manual screwdriver. I always dreaded this tiny task.

This week, my problem was remedied. My handy husband came up with the idea to put the door on a hinge and secure it with a small magnet. I filled my pockets with drill bits, magnets, screws, and hinges to install the new hardware. VoilĂ ! Now the outlet is easily accessed with no extra tools needed.

Aldo didn't seem very impressed by my handiwork, but he did enjoy getting some sun while his mew was closed for the repairs.


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