
While packing for a reptile program last week, I was worried about getting the snakes in their travel crates. I've been practicing force-free, choice-based training with the snakes. They get the choice to come out to explore instead of me grabbing them and whisking them away. 

That's great for lazy Sunday afternoons, but how would it work when we have a scheduled program? 

I swung open Emory's habitat door after placing her crate right outside. I pondered for a moment how to transfer the rat snake with minimal stress. Should I use a glove or the snake hook to differentiate this from her free-choice explore time? While I considered my options, Emory poked her head out the door. Her tongue flicked as she ventured farther out. She slid down into the crate and coiled under the log hide spot. She crated herself, coercion-free!

It turns out that a few months of practicing the choice to come out helped her be more confident moving into her crate when it really mattered, stress-free! I'm never surprised, but always amazed, to see choice-based training make a positive impact on an animal's welfare.


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