When the tornado warning alert blared from my phone last week on my day off, I wasn't sure how worried to be. Just to be safe, I decided to move our "kids" - Wally and Calypso, our pet rabbit and cat - to an interior room of the house to wait out the storm. Wally got his favorite hay treats in his crate and I knew that would keep him happy for a while. Calypso, on the other hand, is not a fan of thunderstorms. She cried and pawed at the door of her carrier. To help her calm down, I played relaxing "music for cats" on my phone. She was still anxious and I remembered a trick I'd been practicing with Otto the Great Horned Owl. Just like I did with Otto , I started the 123 pattern game by saying "1, 2, 3" and offering Calypso a treat. 1, 2, 3, treat, 1, 2, 3, treat, 1, 2, 3, treat. Any animal, whether they are an owl or a cat, can find comfort in predictability and patterns. Calypso stopped trying to escape her crate and sat down to wait for the next ...